Forest Roads Calculator

This project was custom built for a civil engineer. In his thesis he posited that in order to create a road through the side of a mounted a number of variables need to taken into consideration. Based on these variables a number of functions were generated. For this application the functions where translated into C# code. The application then presents a number of fields for the user to add the values of the variables. At the end the results of the functions are presented in the form application. Also the reseults where saved in a Microsoft Word File.


byte[] info = new System.Text.UTF8Encoding(true).GetBytes(
"ONOMA: " + name.Text + '\n'
+ "L:" + valuel.Text + '\n'
+ "L1:" + valuel1.Text + '\n'
+ "L2:" + valuel2.Text + '\n'
+ "E:" + valuee.Text + '\n'
+ "E1:" + valuee1.Text + '\n'
+ "E2:" + valuee2.Text + '\n'
+ "E3:" + valuee3.Text + '\n'
+ "BK:" + valuebk.Text + '\n'
+ "BK1:" + valuebk1.Text + '\n'
+ "BK2:" + valuebk2.Text + '\n'
"B02:" + valueb02.Text + '\n'
+ "BO1:" + valueb0.Text + '\n'
+ "H1:" + valueh1.Text + '\n'
+ "B0:" + valueb0.Text + '\n'
+ "H2:" + valueh2.Text + '\n'
+ "BA1:" + valueba1.Text + '\n'
+ "BA2:" + valueba2.Text + '\n'
+ "Y:" + valuey.Text + '\n'
+ "Y1:" + valuey1.Text + '\n'
+ "Y2:" + valuey2.Text + '\n'
+ "ΟΓΚΟΣ" + valueo.Text + '\n'
savebutton.Enabled = false;

To prevent the unauthorized use, as per the engineers request, the application is locked with username and password.