Student Auto-Evaluation System
Title: Implementing the “Student Auto-Evaluation System”, forEscuela Politécnica de San Sebastián (UPV/EHU). (02/2011- 07/2011)
In order to complete my bachelor studies I needed to submit a diploma thesis. Through the Erasmus program I conducted my thesis at the university of Escuela Politécnica de San Sebastián (UPV/EHU) Basque Country in Spain. My thesis consisted of 3 form applications that had the following functions:
- The first application is used by the lectures to create evaluation files that were later given to the students to complete and be graded upon.
- The second application is an automated test environment that uses the evaluation files to present the student with a test environment, which in the end produces a result file with student grades.
- The third application is used by the lectures to group all result files of the performed tests and generate summaries of student’s performance in PDF or XLS format.
All application controls and labels could be shown in 3 languages (English, Spanish, and Greek). An extensive document in English of how the applications were built was also provided, as well as a user manual in 3 different languages (English, Spanish, and Greek). The thesis presentation was done in Spanish and the applications were created in VS-2008 using C# and XML.
The thesis received the highest grade (10 out of 10) and I received a recommendation letter from my supervisor.